
Hi, I'm Mikołaj. I like programming, physics, swimming, and karate. A link to a few of my platform profiles can be found below, alongside some of my current projects.

Find Me

Here are a few links to platforms I'm on:

LinkedIn Twitch


Although stale, a copy of my GPG pubkey can be found here.

My Projects:

The following list of projects is incomplete! You can view more by going to my git instance. I also have an unused GitHub account.

cdoku - GitHub
cdoku is a sudoku solver implementation in C, using Knuth's Algorith X. It can read arbitrary size grids (in a specific text format) and solve them. It implements the dancing links optimisation, and can solve a 3x3 grid in around 10-20 ms.

I am current working as part of the University of Manchester Hyperloop team, working on the software engineering team. I am working on an embedded control system for the pod written in C++ with a test-driven approach.

NetSharp - GitHub
NetSharp is a (relatively) low-level networking library written in C#. I am writing it using the Event-driven Asynchronous Pattern (EAP) to get as high a bandwidth as possible.

clfs-bootstrap - GitHub
This is my custom Linux "distribution". I wrote it following the "Cross Linux From Scratch" guide (found here), but have since refactored the build script and updated the packages used.

StarSim - GitHub
StarSim was my A-Level computer science coursework, and is a 3D N-Body simulator using the Barnes-Hutt algorithm. It also features a backing database so that created systems can be exported, or imported to simulate.