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Posted: 2021-01-15
Last Edited: 2021-01-15
Well Damn...
2020 was honestly an alright year. Sure the lockdown sucked for many people, but i rather enjoyed the isolation. I feel that i work better in the quiet and i could work at my own pace. The one thing that i missed during the lockdown was obviously meeting with friends and talking. Meeting over VoIP chat programs just wasn't the same but we met up online for the new year and talked a bit, which was rather enjoyable.
Off to an atrocious start
Not 2 weeks into the year i had one of my friends die suddenly. The cause? Unknown. It was a tragedy, especially since he had his whole life ahead of him. He was an amazing guy, and however cheesy i really can't come up with a single bad thing about him. He was always positive, and even if he had a problem you could talk to him and he would listen. He was always willing to help others however he could, and now he is gone forever. I pray the rest of the year gets better.
Make sure to tell your friends and loved ones how much they mean to you; you might not get another chance tomorrow.
Goodbye, mate. I'll miss you